Personalised Learning
Every child will have an individual learning plan based on the U.S curriculum and world-renowned Finnish method. A set of additional subjects will be decided together by three parties: the child, parents/guardians, and the teacher. Subjects that are usually considered as extracurricular will be part of the learning plan. We will teach children to plan and take responsibility for their individual learning. They will have a list of goals and tasks as well as an individual calendar with a daily schedule.

Educational journey
We are using the following methods to teach:
1. Live online classes with a teacher.
Missed – classes are be recorded.
2. Group activities in remote mode, for example, doing a project in Minecraft and other similar activities.
Missed – activities continue when student returns.
3. Group activities, hands-on projects and playing with other kids in Learning Hubs.
Remote – see presentations of other kids and present own results.
Missed - see presentations of other kids.
4. Individual learning with apps and online content. A learning plan will be designed by a NYsKOOL teacher, and they will be on hand to help.
5. Individual home assignments to be done with parents/guardians followed by a presentation to peers.
Missed – see presentations of other kids
​6. Outdoor and sports activities.
​Remote – do same activities and share video recordings.
Missed – parents will be advised on organising a similar activity.
7. Visiting cultural sites, concerts, libraries, and museums.
Remote - do virtual visits, see presentations made by other kids and complete alone.​
Missed – see presentations of other kids and visit with parents.
8. Master classes from parents
Same as online classes
9. Kids teaching kids.
Same as on-line classes